Thursday, December 22, 2011


Part of why I created this blog, beyond art and a means to gripe, is to promote and sustain the concepts of Free Speech and Liberty. As many things as we do wrong in this country, I would like to think we can still do some things right. Like bringing manufacturing back home, stopping entering wars we can't win (although retaliation to threats on our freedom can sometimes be overlooked), and upholding principles that every American believes in - not just the 1%. With that in mind, I would like to introduce the "Random Acts of 'MER!CA" series. This first installment was taken on a trail by my house on a beautiful bike ride this afternoon. FUCK YEAH -enjoy! Thank you anonymous flag placer...
Don't forget to send your Congress people a note and help fight censorship on the internet. It's all of your's and not someone else's to tell us how to use it.

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